1500-1510 1500-10; < Latin malevolent- (stem of malevolens) ill-disposed, spiteful, equivalent to male- male- + volent- (stem of volens), present participle of velle to want, wish for, desire (see will 1, -ent) Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition� William Collins Sons & Co.
Ltd. 1979, 1986 � HarperCollinsPublishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Cite This Source c.1500, from Middle French malivolent and directly from Latin malevolentem (nominative malevolens) "ill-disposed, spiteful, envious," from male detinition (see mal-) + volentem (nominative volens), present participle of velle "to wish" (see will (v.)).
Related: Malevolently. 1500-1510 1500-10; < Latin malevolent- (stem definitiion malevolens) ill-disposed, spiteful, equivalent to male- male- + volent- (stem of volens), present participle of velle to want, wish for, desire (see will 1, -ent) Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition� William Collins Sons & Co.
Ltd. 1979, 1986 � HarperCollinsPublishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Cite This Source c.1500, from Middle French malivolent and directly from Latin malevolentem (nominative malevolens) "ill-disposed, spiteful, envious," from male "badly" (see mal-) + volentem (nominative volens), present participle of velle "to wish" (see will (v.)). Related: Malevolently. � Blog� BuzzWord� Open Dictionary� Recent Entries� Add a Word� About� Games� Resources� Celebrate Shakespeare� English Humour� Infographics� Quizzes� Games� Puzzles� Pragmatics� Real Grammar� Real Vocabulary� Videos� Wordlists� More Resources� API� More� About� Love English Awards� Buy� Options� Gadgets� Red Words and Stars� Clear Definitions� Real Examples� Partners� FAQ Close What are red words?90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing.
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The Macmillan Dictionary blog explores English as it is spoken around the world today. global English and language change from our blog Cambridge Dictionary� Dictionary� Definitions� English� Learner�s Dictionary� Essential British English� Essential American English� Translations� Bilinguals� English�Spanish Spanish�English� English�French French�English� English�German German�English� English�Indonesian Indonesian�English� Semi-bilingual� English�Arabic� English�Catalan� English�Chinese (Simplified)� English�Chinese (Traditional)� English�Italian� English�Japanese� English�Korean� English�Malaysian� English�Polish� English�Portuguese� English�Russian� English�Thai� English�Turkish� English�Vietnamese� Malevolent definition dictionary Grammar Bilingual DictionariesClick on the arrows to change the translation direction.� English�Spanish Spanish�English� English�French French�English� English�German German�English� English�Indonesian Indonesian�English Semi-bilingual Dictionaries� English�Arabic� English�Catalan� English�Chinese (Simplified)� English�Chinese (Traditional)� English�Italian� English�Japanese� English�Korean� English�Malaysian� English�Polish� English�Portuguese� English�Russian� English�Thai� English�Turkish� English�Vietnamese � abhorrent� amoral� anomie� be rotten to the core idiom� canker� darkly� dastardly� evildoer� go to the bad idiom� godless� hanky-panky� heinous� impure� seamy� seedy� shocking� shockingly� sinful� wicked� wickednessSee more results � � in Spanish� in Vietnamese� in Malaysian� in Thai� in French� in German� in Chinese (Simplified)� in Indonesian� in Chinese (Traditional)�malevolo��ac y��berniat jahat��????????��malveillant��boshaft��???, ???, ???��dengki��???, ???, ???� � Learn� Learn� New Words� Help� In Print� Develop� Develop� Dictionary API� Double-Click Lookup� Search Widgets� License Data� About� About� Accessibility� Cambridge English� Cambridge University Press� Cookies and Privacy� Corpus� Terms of Use Switch to new thesaurus Adj.1.malevolent - wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; arising from intense ill will or hatred; "a gossipy malevolent old woman"; "failure made him malevolent toward those who were successful" malicious - having the nature of or defiition from malice; "malicious gossip"; "took malicious pleasure in.watching me wince"- Rudyard Kipling2.malevolent - having or exerting a malignant influence; "malevolent stars"; "a malefic force" adjective spiteful, hostile, vicious, malicious, malign, malignant, vindictive, pernicious, vengeful, hateful (archaic), baleful, rancorous, evil-minded, maleficent, ill-natured Her stare was malevolent, her mouth a thin line.kind, friendly, benign, gracious, benevolent, amiable, warm-hearted malevolent adjective wishing evil to others.
The wicked old woman gave a malevolent smile. kwaadwillige ????? ??????? ?? ???????? ????? ���������������� malevolo skodoliby boshaft ondskabsfuld ??????????? malevolo pahatahtlik ?? ???? pahansuopa malveillant ??? ?????? zloban rosszindulatu dengki sem oskar o?rum ills, meinfysinn malevolo ????? ?? ?? piktavaliskas, piktdziugiskas launs; nenovidigs berniat jahat boosaardig ondskapsfull, skadefro niezyczliwy ?? ????? malevolo rauvoitor ���������; ������������������ skodoradostny zlonameren zlonameran elak, illvillig ???????? hain, kotu niyetli ??? ���������; ��������������� ??????? ?? ????? ac y ??? ma?levolently adverb kwaadwillig ????? ??????? ??????? ���������������� malevolamente zlovolne boswillig ondskabsfuldt ??????????? con malevolencia pahatahtlikult ?? ??????? pahansuovasti avec malveillance ??????????? ????? deflnition zlobno rosszindulatuan dengan kedengkian af meinfysni con malevolenza ?????? ??? ??? piktavaliskai launi; launpratigi dengan berniat jahat boosaardig ondskapsfullt, skadefro wrogo ?? ?? ?????? malevolamente cu rautate �������� skodoradostne zlonamerno zlonamerno elakt, illvilligt ????????????? haince, kotu niyetle ??? ��������; �������������� ??????? ?? m?t cach ac y ??? ma?levolence noun kwaadwilligheid ??? ??????? ?? ??????? ����� malevolencia zla vule die Bosheit ondskabsfuldhed ???????????? definiition pahatahtlikkus ????? pahansuopuus malveillance ??? ???????, ????? zloba, pakost rosszindulat kedengkian illvilji, meinfysni malevolenza ?? ?? piktavaliskumas launpratiba berniat kejahatan boosaardigheid ondskap, skadefryd niechec ????? malevolencia rea-vointa ����������; �������������������� skodoradost zlonamernost zlonamernost elakhet, illvilja ?????????? hainlik, kotu niyet ?? ����������; ���������������� ??????? djctionary d?ng b?t deinition ??Want to thank TFD for its existence?
Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content.Link to this page: � aggressive� aglitter� ancestors� baleful� between the devil and the deep blue sea� bitchy� black-hearted� bodach� catty� Chandi� computer program� computer programme� computer virus� coruscant� crabbedness� crabbiness� criminal offence� crotchetiness� cruel Hester Prynne was now fully sensible of the deep injury for which she was responsible to this unhappy man, in permitting him to lie for so many years, or, indeed, for a single moment, at the mercy of one whose purposes could not be other than malevolent. Yet, when this cherished volume was now placed in my hand-when I turned over its leaves, and sought in its marvellous pictures the charm I had, till now, never failed to find-all was eerie and dreary; the giants were gaunt goblins, the pigmies malevolent and fearful imps, Gulliver a most desolate wanderer in most dread and dangerous regions. The girl's highly strung imagination, her affectionate and credulous mind, the primitive education which had surrounded her childhood with a circle of legends, the constant brooding over her dead father and, above all, the state of sublime ecstasy into which music threw her from the moment that this art was made derinition to her in certain exceptional conditions, as in the churchyard at Perros; all this seemed to him to constitute a moral ground only too favorable for the malevolent designs of some mysterious and unscrupulous person. � ^� Maleficiation� Maleficience� Maleficient� Maleformation� malevloent maleic acid� malemute� maleness� malengine� Malenkov� Malenkov Georgi Maximilianovich� malentendu� maleo� Male-odor� male-patterned baldness� Malepractice� males� Maleseet� Male-spirited� Malet� Maletreat� Malevich� Malevich Kasimir� malevolence� malevolency� malevolent� malevolent program� malevolently� Malevolous� Malexecution� Maleyl� malfeasance� malfeasant� malfed� malformation� malformed� malfunction� malfunctioning� Malgracious� malgrado� Malgre� malgre lui� Malherbe� Malherbe Francois de� malheur wire lettuce� Mali� Mali franc� Malian� Malibu� malibu board� malic� � � ^� Maleseet� Malesela Taihan Electric Cable� Malesherbes, Chretien Guillaume de Lamoignon de� MaleSurvisor� MALET� MALET� Maletas en la Puerta� Maletreat� Maleus Maleficarum� Malev� Ma�There was no acknowledgment of the effects of cycle upon cycle of malevolent defeat, of the injury of seeing one generation rise above the cusp of poverty only to be indignantly crushed, of the impact of repeating tsunamis of violence � �Douglas Blackmon, Slavery By Another Name, 2008�The sky looks heavy enough to sink and crush us when we see another twister bullying across the fields�a squat, malevolent-looking wedge.
�Priit Vesilind, National Geographic, April 2004�No bigger than most house cats, it is possessed of such formidable armor and malevolent mien that when the makers of the latest Godzilla vefinition went looking for a prototype, they selected this lizard � �Peter Benchley, National Geographic, April 1999�The predominant spirit is very un-American; a kind of malevolent definition dictionary, drifting determinism pervades human beings who malevolent definition dictionary, or do malevolent definition dictionary want to, cope.
�John Fowles, Atlantic, Malevolent definition dictionary 1986� � Sharon Creech, Walk Two Moons>
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Malevolent comes definitioon the Latin word defintiion, which means "ill-disposed, spiteful"; its opposite is benevolent, which means "wishing good things for others." A malevolent person might display satisfaction at someone else's problems. But it's not only individuals who can be malevolent. If you think that television violence influences viewers to violence, you see television as a malevolent force. The stress is on the second syllable: muh-LEV-uh-lent.
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� �As a witness of the last days of this cruel and malevolent regime, Downfall is clear-eyed and unsentimental.�� �There might even be a ditionary, a malevolent force, or a god who chooses to interfere.�� �That definjtion malevolent forces had been unleashed could not harm me personally for this very reason.�� �It's important to remember that the elementals were not supposed to be evil or malevolent, just not human.�� �Uncle John's brand of organised chaos may well be governed by these malevolent forces.�� �That evil is malevolent violence, a curse that is the bane of our human existence.�� �And this is the case with Dr Octopus who is only temporarily controlled by a malevolent force.�� �For many years, it saw only the darkest of evil, bathed in the malevolent glow of hellfire.�� �Its intentions are always malevolent and they are the brave warriors who hope to break the system down with almost anyone's help.�� �The 1996 World Cup was a marker of this new, malevolent mood of the cricket fan.�� �Another spot on the grass which will darken to a malevolent green and then die over-winter, requiring seeding.�� �While there is much that is wonderful, nature and man frequently prove malevolent forces.�� �Even more than the words in the previous paragraph, it suggests an evil, malevolent intelligence at work.�� �Fratricidal war paved the way for malevolent elements to become brokers.�� �She had become this all pervading, evil and malevolent influence on my family and life.�� �From the resultant penalty, Wood went for goal, but on this occasion the malevolent wind steered the ball off target.�� �He has the fierce, malevolent eyes of a demon, deep, red, and sharklike.�� �Can simple coincidence explain these developments, or are more malevolent forces at work?�� �All are threatened with destruction by the malevolent but likable Coyote.�� �It was a vicious and malevolent piece of work which was designed to smash the malwvolent into pieces.�
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